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Select Board Meeting Minutes 9/13/17
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 9/13/17

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chairperson, Carol Edelman and Kenneth Basler

Also in attendance: Chief Backhaus, Shawn Tryon, Julio Rodriguez

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • Kenn reported that based on the tonnages billed for this year we are running approximately $21,000 less than last year (Jan – now) and 35 tons less.
  • Kenn reported on his meetings with the administration of the TIPS program.  He is going to draft a letter from the Board appealing their decision.
  • The Chief came in to discuss the following:
a.  Inform the Board that Don Hopkins did not accept the offer for the full time police position.  The Chief is informally meeting with a potential applicant today.
  • Shawn Tryon came in to discuss the following with the Board:
a.  Shared service meeting – the idea has been put to rest for towns to share emergency vehicles.  Emergency services already “share” through mutual aid agreements.
b.  Transfer station – Shawn will order the larger dumpster for the mattresses.  The attendants are requesting to keep the smaller container for storage; Shawn will look at the numbers.  Shawn reported he received the estimate to fix the garage doors ($2,400).  The compost dumpster has been ordered and should be here this week.
c.  Monterey School – Shawn summarized the meeting had with the insurance adjuster.  MIIA needs to follow up with the underwriters and will get back to us with their final report which might be changing us to a cash value only policy for this building or not insuring it at all.
  • The Town Clerk’s request for time off was approved.
  • Community Development Block Grant: Steve reported on the meeting he attended last week.  The Board discussed the memo from Alice Boyd regarding a joint proposal she and Berkshire Regional Planning will be working on to submit to the town for the grant administration and housing rehab.  The Board reviewed and signed the grant agreement from the state. Alice Boyd and Pat Mullins will be asked to come in to discuss further.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 9/6/17 were approved.
  • Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
  • Police Chief’s weekly report was reviewed.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:38am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk